Press article NBC award 2021

XMG receives third award in a row for highest customer satisfaction

For the third time in a row and for the fourth time since 2018, readers of the renowned online magazine Notebookcheck have voted the support for gaming and consumer laptops from XMG and SCHENKER as the undisputed champion in terms of customer satisfaction. Around 90 percent of the participants among the customers of an XMG or SCHENKER notebook from the DACH region are satisfied with the overall handling in the case of support. But the company also took first place in almost all subcategories – even ahead of industry giants like Acer, Apple, Dell, Microsoft, Lenovo or MSI.

Laptop Support receives top marks and Editor’s Choice Award for third time in a row

XMG receives Noteboockeck award customer satisfaction support 2022

After 2020 and 2021, the readers of the trade magazine Notebookcheck again award the laptop support of XMG and SCHENKER 2022 as test winner. In the large-scale evaluation of the independent survey Servicezufriedenheit bei Laptops und Smartphones 2022 – Diese Hersteller überzeugen oder versagen im Reparaturfall, around 80 percent of participants awarded the top mark 5 (“very satisfied”). This is not only broadly in line with the previous year’s result and demonstrates a consistently high quality of service, but also continues to be significantly higher than the results of other laptop manufacturers. In comparison, even industry leaders such as Microsoft and Apple only achieve a less than 50 percent share of top ratings with full 5 points.

In its survey analysis, the magazine states: Among consumer and gaming laptops, Schenker/XMG visibly stands out (as in the year before) and scores with almost 90% predominantly satisfied customers. [“Unter den Consumer- und Gaming-Laptops kann sich (wie schon im Jahr zuvor) Schenker/XMG sichtbar vorne absetzen und mit fast 90% überwiegend zufriedenen Kunden punkten.“ ].

  • Phone support: Among consumer and gaming notebooks, Schenker/XMG’s telephone support clearly comes out on top. Around 90% of the participants were satisfied to very satisfied with the support. [„Unter den Consumer- und Gaming Notebooks kann sich der Telefonsupport von Schenker/XMG ganz klar an der Spitze absetzen. Rund 90% der Teilnehmer waren mit dem Support zufrieden bis sehr zufrieden.“]
  • Procedure for sending in / on-site service: Regardless of the service variant chosen (pick-up, return or on-site), Schenker/XMG customers attested to the manufacturer’s particularly easy service procedure. [„Ungeachtet der in Anspruch genommenen Servicevariante (Pick-Up, Einsendung oder Vor-Ort) attestierten Kunden von Schenker/XMG dem Hersteller einen besonders einfachen Ablauf im Servicefall.“]
  • Satisfaction with the repair process: Schenker/XMG has by far the highest proportion of satisfied or very satisfied customers with regard to the execution of repairs. [„Mit Abstand den höchsten Anteil an zufriedenen bzw. sehr zufriedenen Kunden, was die Durchführung der Reparatur betrifft, verzeichnet Schenker/XMG.“]
  • Number of repair attempts

Better customer support and fast problem solving through consistent in-house strategy

Thus, it pays off once again that the company centralises support as well as all other departments, from customer advisory services to warehousing and production, at the company’s headquarters in Leipzig instead of outsourcing individual departments to external service providers. The advantage is faster, more competent and more agile handling of support requests – resulting in higher customer satisfaction, as the recent award from an independent authority once again proves. Thank you for your trust!

im Wert von über 3.800€!