- Award
For the fifth time in a row, readers of the online laptop magazine Notebookcheck have given top marks for the XMG customer support satisfaction. With laptop brands such as Razer falling behind according to the survey, Leipzig-based Schenker Technologies and its XMG and SCHENKER laptop brands came out on top in terms of customer satisfaction, ahead of Apple and Acer. The company was praised for the simple process, reliable problem solving and excellent telephone support.
XMG Customer Support Satisfaction for Laptops Remains Top-Notch in 2024
Every year since 2020, XMG has won Notebookcheck’s coveted Editors’ Choice Award for top marks in customer support. The readers of the online magazine have voted again for 2024. Not only did XMG win the award once more, but it also topped the overall support satisfaction rankings published in early 2025, ahead of all other laptop brands – in some cases well ahead of the likes of Lenovo, Razer, Asus, Apple, HP, and Dell.

Far more important than the latest award, however, is continuity: While some of its competitors’ results fluctuate greatly from year to year, XMG’s fifth award in a row proves that the Leipzig-based company’s service and support is reliable and of consistently high quality. An insight into the results of all the manufacturers assessed can be found on the Notebookcheck website in the recently published article Survey – Service and support in the event of repairs: These laptop and smartphone manufacturers are (not) convincing! [the link provides a Google translation of the original German article].
XMG also came out on top in the following areas of the survey:
- Procedure for sending in/repair: Notebook or mobile phone defective, what now?
Owners of Schenker/XMG laptops described the service process (sending in, pick-up, on-site) as particularly easy. [German: “Den Ablauf im Servicefall (Einsendung, Pick-up, Vor-Ort) beschrieben Besitzer von Schenker/XMG-Laptops als besonders einfach.“ - Carrying out the repair: Device repaired, problem unsolved
Schenker/XMG has the largest proportion of satisfied to very satisfied laptop customers, […]. [German: „Den überwiegend größten Anteil an zufriedenen bis sehr zufriedenen Laptop-Kunden verzeichnet hier Schenker/XMG, […].“] - Telephone support: the first contact is often crucial
With a very large proportion of very satisfied and satisfied customers (more than 90%), Schenker/XMG is clearly in first place in this survey. [German: „Mit einem sehr großen Anteil an sehr zufriedenen und zufriedenen Nutzern (mehr als 90%) positioniert sich Schenker/XMG klar auf Platz 1 in dieser Umfrage.“]
What sets XMG’s customer service apart from other brands is the conscious decision to have everything under one roof. Rather than outsourcing individual aspects of the value chain to external partners, the Leipzig-based company has all its departments based at its headquarters: from customer service, warehousing, and production to customer support. The resulting advantages, such as fast, cross-departmental dialogue and in-depth knowledge of the entire product portfolio, are reflected in the level of satisfaction when support is required, which is provided quickly, effectively, and reliably when needed.